Monday Movie Inspiration :: The Wedding Date

posted in: Wedding Inspiration | 2

There are hundreds of wedding movies that are filmed every year representing the celebrations and troubles brides go through to plan their perfect day.  There is so much inspiration in each one of these movies and I plan to go through them one at a time, and pull out the great ideas within the storyline.  First off I am starting with one of my favorite wedding chick flicks, The Wedding Date.

Movie:  The Wedding Date

Starring: Debra Messing & Dermot Mulroney

Quick Recap: Kat Ellis (Messing) returns to her parents’ London home for her sister’s wedding. Overwhelmed at the thought of confronting her ex-fiancé, who dumped her two years before, she hires a handsome male escort (Mulroney) to act as her new boyfriend.

10 Top Inspiration Finds from ‘The Wedding Date

1. Top hats the men wore in the wedding -I love these!  We rarely see these in weddings in the U.S., but I think they add a lot of character to the wedding.

2. Hair piece Debra Messing wore – The hairpiece Messing wears during the wedding is fabulous. It reminds me of what I usually see in a peacock themed wedding.  It is a great accessory to make the maid of honor stand out and looks great with the teal dresses!!

3. Variety of bridesmaid dress styles – This is becoming more of a trend with modern brides (remember this movie was made back in 2005).  Brides are realizing that not all of their friends are made with the same body type and are personalizing each dress to fit the girl.   This will allow your bridal party to be more comfortable walking down the aisle and in pictures.

4. Cathedral veil worn over her face -I have still seen these long formal veils in elegant churches and formal settings.  With the new trend of the blusher veils these longer styles are not used as much.  What I also found interesting was the way she wore the veil covering her face as she walked down the aisle, another trend that I haven’t seen much recently!

5. Outside reception decorated with pink lanterns – Although risky, renting tents and hosting an outside wedding reception can end up being fabulous.  It was decorated beautifully with pink lanterns strung about for additions of color throughout!

6. The day before the wedding spent relaxing at a BBQ – The reception dinner is tradition, why not extend it to an all-day event spent celebrating with your friends and family from out of town.  This will distract you from worrying about your walk down the aisle and force you to relax and have fun with everyone who is there to support you.

7. Themed bachelorette parties – So often I see bachelorette parties with the sole purpose and “theme” of simply drinking. Why not have some fun with the party and create a true theme around an activity or item that the bride enjoys.  In the movie they had a golf theme where all of the girls dressed up accordingly and each new place they went was a different “hole”, ending the night with 18 holes.

8. Decorating the bride and groom’s get away car – It is fun to rent a flashy car to drive into the sunset with your new bride.  However, a fun event for the groomsmen is to organize and deface the groom’s car as a get-away car.  I have seen some really creative and funny designs that the bride and groom have driven away in.  Always a great laugh and serves for a great photo memory.

9. Taking dance lessons before the wedding day – Grooms may loathe the idea of dance lessons, but the thought of dancing alone in front of 250 of your friends and family might just be enough to scare him into the idea.  This is a fun time for you and him to learn a few new dances but overall just feel comfortable with each other for your first dance.  If you know the song you want to dance to, bring it with you on a CD and practice with an instructor, most likely they will give you some tips for the song!

10. Limit the number of drinks at weddings –  Throughout the movie you see numerous times when drinks affect a variety of different peoples actions.  Whether it is too many drinks before you stand up and give a speech and end up saying something you might not want to, or it is that one last drink that makes you make a decision you regret the next morning!  Usually in the name of celebration people tend to drink more than they might normally.  Know your limit, especially if you play a big role in the wedding, you dont want to be “that person” embarassing yourself at the end of the night!

If you have seen this movie I want to know what ideas or inspiration you gained from the movie, ‘The Wedding Date‘.

2 Responses

  1. Jenny

    Well I saw the movie and I really like that scene with the car (the one that you have a picutr of it here) and I did the same thing with my ex. boyfriend ! 🙂