50 years is a long and wonderful time to commit to one person. I can’t imagine how it feels to be married to someone for 50 years and know so much about that one person to the point where you truly become one. Your lives are so intertwined and enhanced by each other you are changed for the better because you knew them. We were lucky enough to receive a list of top ten from two people who love each other and have stuck by each other’s side for the good times and the not so good times, for better for worse. I think its interesting as we gather more and more tips and inspirations how many of them seem to go along with one another – but each couple has a way of saying it in their own way!
Tips for a successful marriage after 50 years.
1. There must be Love…
2. Keep God in your marriage…
3. Patience…
4. Sense of humor…
5. Don’t think you can change them…
6. Develop similar interests….
7. Keep your girlfriends….
8. Keep your individual interests, both of you…
9. Family over self…
10. Its not about the money, but it helps.