Bridal Shower :: Panty Tree

posted in: Bridesmaids | 1

How often have you gone to a bridal shower and dreaded the age-old games that we repeatedly play every year?  For all of you maid-of-honors who are trying to think of new fun ideas to keep everyone entertained during a bridesmaid’s luncheon or shower, here is a great game to try!  I call it the “Panty Tree” (I am sure someone out there has a more sophisticated name for it).

When you send the invitations, let all of the guests know to bring one panty for the bride that reflects their personality and style.  It could be a sexy piece or a funny pair, anything that catches their eye! Make sure to let everyone know what size to purchase for the bride!

As each guest arrives, have them hang their undies somewhere on the panty tree.  You can be creative with making the actual tree used in this activity.  The picture below shows a wire tree that works out perfectly for this, but you can find a lot of things around the house to help you create this tree.

Once the bride arrives at the shower, explain to her the simple rules of the game.  She needs to pull off one item at a time and try to guess which of her friends or family members brought it for her.  It will add plenty of laughs as she misguesses each and every one.  If you have the time, you can insist on an explanation as to why she thinks someone brought a particular panty for her!  It is fun to see how well she knows the different styles of her guests.

In the end, the bride is left with a handful of adorable undies to add to her collection, and everyone was entertained for the afternoon!

What other games have you found to be fun at Bridal Showers?

*Photographs by Beautiful Spirit Photography  (the website is still under construction but she is up and coming and fabulous!)