Rice Krispies :: Not Your Typical Wedding Cake

posted in: Details, Wedding Reception | 13

I LOVE sweets.  But I am not a cake person, so when it came time to choose my wedding cake flavor I didn’t have much of a preference.  I always heard about how much fun it is to go to the cake tasting, with the millions of flavors and icing choices!  I left that decision mainly to my husband.  If I had heard about this idea sooner maybe I would have taken an extra piece of cake on my wedding day.  Rice Krispie Treats are my weakness, and having an entire cake made of rice krispies is what I would call my perfect day!

You might not believe me when I tell you that the cake above was made purely of rice krispie treats…but that is the wonderful thing about the recent artists that took on baking!  They can take any flavor or texture and turn it into a beautiful creation!

Scrumptious marshmallow goodness will await you on your wedding day if you choose this specialty cake flavor! It will also save you some money in the budget due to the fewer ingredients and less time that is spent baking.  You can still find a unique cake topper and decorate with the same flowers you had planned to use, but this is something that your guests will definitely not be expecting!

If you still want the traditional cake on your wedding day with the different flavors and icings, consider having a rice krispie grooms cake or building miniature rice krispie cakes and giving them away as favors.  This could be a great DIY project! Look for a future blog post on how to make Rice Krispie Treat favors!!

If you decide to have this unique style of wedding cake…make sure you invite me 🙂

What flavor of cakes have you done that are outside the norm?

Sources: Manis Bakery, Cup Cake Tree, Richardson Wedding Blog, Art of Dessert

13 Responses

  1. Lindsey

    This is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen…we both know how much we looovvvee rice krispy treats=) If only we had Sharon and Jody to make them for us all the time=)

  2. Derricka

    All I can say is yes yes yes to everything! Rice krispy treats are one of the only sweets I can stand. This is great, especially the favors!